GPS P&C Uniform Shop
The school uniform shop is located in the main Administration building, up from the staffroom door.
The Uniform Shop is open Mondays from 2.45pm to 3.15pm
You can purchase all uniform shop items online via Flexischools or in person at the Uniform Shop on Mondays using EFTPOS/Cash.
The community of Gerringong Public School has endorsed the following uniform code.
All parents are requested to ensure their children abide by this agreed code.
BOYS - *Navy shorts, school polo shirt [long or short sleeves]
GIRLS - Dress, skorts or shorts, school polo shirt [long or short sleeves]
BOYS and GIRLS - School fleece or microfibre Jacket
BOYS and GIRLS - *School pants, polo shirt [long or short sleeves]
GIRLS - Winter tunic with burgundy polo shirt [long or short sleeves]
BOYS and GIRLS - School fleece or microfibre Jacket
BOYS and GIRLS - Polo shirt in house colours
BOYS - School shorts
GIRLS -School shorts
HATS School hat - navy wide brim hat .
SOCKS White or navy blue. Blue tights may be worn with the girls' winter tunic.
SHOES Black leather or joggers. Black shoes are required when students perform in the choir or school band.
*The Uniform Committee has recommended the following dress code for boys' shorts and both girls and boys' longpants: "Colour for these items is navy with no colour trims, no logos larger than a match box size, no visible pockets on front, back and sides of shorts, no three-quarter length pants and no denim in either shorts or jeans."