Gerringong Public School

We will achieve

Telephone02 4234 1376

About our school

Gerringong Public School is located on the New South Wales South Coast and has students from both the town and rural setting. Our school motto, "We Will Achieve" underpins the school's strong belief, that each child needs to be recognised for their own achievements, celebrating success at both a school and personal level.

Students at Gerringong are provided with a range of opportunities and learning experiences, delivered by highly qualified and experienced staff. Literacy and Numeracy are key focus areas.

Our school has excellent K to 2 programs which provide strong foundations for future learning. The school is well resourced, has excellent learning facilities and is recognised for outstanding achievements in sport and performimg arts.

A strong partnership exists between parents, the school and the wider community. We encourage and value parent involvement in decision making.

Our Shared Vision states 'If students are motivated and inspired to learn, successful in achieving individual best, respectful and tolerant, are happy and enjoy school and feel cared for and cared about, we have succeeded and they "Will Achieve" in their future endeavours".

GPS core values


for a positive safe caring environment.


to strive for personal best.


to learning and academic achievement.


for one another.


for individual differences.

Thanks to Brigita Hammell for her inspiration and creativity in the making of these artworks.